Saturday, October 23, 2010

What NOT To Do.

Today I had my ACT testing. And you know how they give you those little booklets at school that give you all your advice, like what to do to prepare for the "big day"? Well... I read it. But I didn't follow it.
Advice tip number one: Don't cram the night before. Make a study schedule, and stick to it for a couple weeks.
Guess what I did?
Advice tip number two: Get lots of sleep the night before the test. That way your brain is awake and ready.
Guess how late I stayed up?
Advice tip number three: Eat a normal, healthy breakfast. Don't overreat, or worse, not eat. You're stomach will distract your brain.
Guess what this smart girl ate for breakfast?
Advice tip number four: BYOC. Bring Your Own Calculator.
Guess what I forgot?
Advice tip number five: Don't panic when you get the test.
...You know who.
So those are all the things NOT to do for the ACT. That I did... It wasn't on purpose, that was just how things worked out. And now the ACT is out of the way, that's a huge load off my shoulders but I still have a lot of stuff to get done this week:
Write my Gov. paper. (No I'm not finished with it yet!)
Finish my 2 chapters of math.
Help! I will be so so so happy when this week is over. But at the same time, I don't want it to, because that means it's getting closer to snow time. I can't decide which is worse, scholastic troubles, or environmental?
Logan helped me feel better though, he said we'd go do snow stuff. Like snow forts, snow men, snow angels, snow ball fights, sledding.
Hot chocolate! And tea!! And cookies. Oh how I love winter time! It's just the snow part that I'm hesitant about.

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