Monday, January 10, 2011


Today was a little hard. I had to remind myself not to think about what I lost. I had to keep telling myself that it wouldn't help to beat myself up over things I said, and should have said.

I realized it's all about attitude. If I want to brood, and feel sorry for myself, and be miserable, then that's exactly what will happen and how I'll feel. So whenever a song came on that could possibly make me sad, IF I let it, I would either change it or refuse to be sad.
It's not always that easy, but I don't want to be sad anymore.
Things got better after that.
It doesn't do any good to think about the future, it comes quickly enough. Things have a way of working themselves out in time.
Sometimes I feel like all that's happened in my life is just a barren landscape, with a little pile of something here, a mound of something there, making my ground a little bumpy, but nothing really to look at. And in the distance, the far future, there's a mountain of something waiting. But it's so far away and it's covered with clouds called uncertainty and doubt.

But I guess that's what life is for. Search around and find what your mountains are, what interesting piles of objects can you find in your landscape?

Tomorrow will be better. And the day after even better.
And in four days, I'll be an adult!

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