Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Steaming order of Perspective!

Lately... I've lost my perspective. Things have been rocky with some friends of mine, and I kind of lost sight of the real meaning of being a kid. Ok, or a teenager.

To experience.
To learn.
To live.

I had gotten so caught up in one thing, one person, I had lost complete sight of this.

I was watching my golden teenager years wither away.

I consider myself to be a worry wart sometimes, and it's usually like one of those festering worries, the ones that just will not.Go. Away. No matter how hard I try to get my mind off it, it always comes back.

But I think I've struck gold.

I've decided to go forth in confidence. And whatever happens, happens. There's really nothing I can do to change it. I might be sad about the outcome, but hey that's life right?
Better stuff will come along. And I'm not just talking relationship fiddle faddle.

I'm talking like, moving. Jobs. Anything that causes you grief. No matter what, just keep your head up. Cuz I can promise you, everything happens for a reason. There is nothing random in this life.
You are who you are, for a specific reason.
You are where you are for a cause.
You are given the talents you have for a purpose.
Why bother wishing you were someone else, somewhere else, and talented with something else when every one of those things make you?
It's taken me a very very very long time to figure this out, and remember it. And I still have trouble with it sometimes. I find myself craving to be like her, or living there, or being thinner.
But, that would just make me an imitator. And honestly, I like being originally me. It's quite fun.
(Though sometimes I still wish I was thinner)
But I'm working on that!!
To make myself feel better when I'm feeling sad, or upset, I just ask myself if I'll remember this in a week. Or a month. Or next year. Does it really matter that much? And if my answer is yes, then I find a way to fix it.
If not, then I just try to forget it.
I'm happier. :)

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