Saturday, July 24, 2010

So Long Sweet Summer

I'm sad that it's slmost over... I have maybe three weeks left.
I hope I have enough summer memories to get me through my last year of high school.
I'll miss the weather, and how I can wake up at any time and not worry.
How I'm not late for anything.
How I don't have to rush anything.

I'll miss just being able to walk around, exploring.

I'll miss Washington...
When it's not raining, it really is the prettiest place...

I can't believe how quickly this summer has gone.

I was totally caught off guard the other day when my Grandma told me I only had a week left with my dad.

I leave this next weekend! I thought I had at least two weeks left!!

After I leave my Dad's I'm going to a family reunion on my Mom's side, I guess we have a huge cabin rented out, right on a lake, and my Aunt and Uncle are bringing their boat.

When school starts back up, I'm definitely going to miss just sitting around, reading a book somewhere... Not having to rush anywhere.

That's all school is. A rush.

(And not the good kind)

I'm going to miss movie marathons... Those don't happen very often during the school year...

Nachos are totally a summer food.

I'd feel out of place if I ate them during the winter.

And I will most likely have less time to make things.

This summer I really discovered my love of making things myself.

Before, I wouldn't even have considered making a hat, or (attempting) to make my own earrings. I want to try making jewelry, and leg warmers, and just any random think that I can.

Making things is so much fun!! I'm just sad that it took me so long to realize. I really owe it all to Joe's sister. She kind of inspired me...
I have three weeks left of summer. I'm going to make the absolute most of them.
I'm off.

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