Wednesday, November 3, 2010

T-cells and Parking Lot Optimism

I noticed today that my T-cells are not doing a very good job. My nose is stuffy, and my neck aches. I'm thinking a very premature cold is coming along.
It is not welcome.
But I will just drink alot of my favorite peppermint tea and hope it passes soon. Maybe it's just because I haven't been sleeping as much as I should... I fell asleep in my Study Hall class and left with a red mark on my forehead.
Logan said it was funny.
Yesterday Scotty climbed up on top of my head, I didn't put him up there, he went up there himself and stayed for a good 15 minutes before climbing back down.
It was really cute!

That blurred image in the background is my sister Maren. And the mess behind her is my house. Pleasant huh?

Today I stayed after school, and had to wait for my Mom to come get me... I hate not having a car. I'm pretty much the only senior at my school that doesn't have a car, and I hate asking for a ride. I called her twice, 20 minutes apart, and both times she said, "Oh yeah I'm coming."
I was getting so mad, but I decided that this was the perfect time to adjust my attitude.
So, I looked around me, and noticed these things:
It was sunny! And not cold at all.
I got to spend some time outside, and take that above picture.
I got to spend a little bit of time by myself.
How's that for looking on the bright side? Take that, pessimism!!

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