Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stuff I Love.

I love to paint. In case you haven't gotten that from previous posts!! This painting was a Halloween-y inspired work of mediocre art. Very amature. I like it though, especially the eye.
Have you seen that old Sci-Fi movie, Jeepers Creepers?
Yeah, that's where the inspiration for the eye came from. When I get better at painting, I'm going to try this again, and hopefully it'll turn out better.

I miss my crazy hair!! (That's me on the left.) Megan's on the right. My hair was bright yellow and red for a while, and I loved it!! Then I had it like, purpley but that faded pretty fast, then I put blue in it and that turned greenish which was gross so I dyed over it and now it's just plain brown. Ick.

I don't like it plain. One of these days I'm going to dye it funky again!!
I love my kitten, Scotty!!
I was trying to make him feel like Simba in this picture, you know where in The Lion King, Rafiki the baboon holds him up and that song's all like, "It's the Circle of Liiiiife!!"
I don't think he thought it was as funny as me...
He looks a bit disgruntled.
Among other things, lots of things, I love sunrises.
This one is my favorite.

That single ray of light.
I love quotes too!! One of my favorites that I came across was this:
Life... Is like an analogy.


  1. AHHHHHHHHHHH I LOVE THAT PICTURE. did you take it yourself!? and this is probably one of my favorite pictures of you and your precious kitty that I must meet one day.

  2. Every picture is taken by moi :)
    Haha and yes you must meet Scotty!!! He's adorable!
