Sunday, July 3, 2011

Home Sweet Jackson

Heading into week two of my living in Jackson, Wyoming! It's still exciting to be out on my own, the only downside right now is that I'm kind of running out of food... But that's ok, this week is pay-day!
I won a can of Spaghetios tonight. I had to play rock-paper-scissors for it, but I won!
Total perk of the night.

So, like I said, here's some pictures of my new town... Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll definitely be wandering and taking more pictures. Life is so good to me lately.

This is on my walk to work. I see this every day.
How lucky am I?

There are two of those arches, and they're made entirely out of elk antlers.
 Creepy, right? I kind of want to touch them, but at the same time, Gross!
The arches are a major tourist photo-op, you're constantly getting people stopping in the middle of the sidewalk to pose for a picture... Ha, I'm starting to sound like a local.
"Dang tourists..."

Mountains surround Jackson entirely, it's so gorgeous, we're literally in a basin, sort of, in the mountains. A hole really, but that makes it sound bad. I love it here so far, but I feel kind of trapped... I mean, it's not like I can just get up and leave if I feel like taking a vacation. It's not like I can go have a night out on the town, this IS the town and it's tiny.
I still haven't even made it to Albertson's yet.
I have to catch a bus and I don't want to go by myself. So I'm waiting for Jeremy to have a day off.
I don't think I've mentioned Jeremy yet.
I'll save that for later.

These aren't very good pictures, but I'm working on that. I need to start working on my photography again... And my painting. And singing. And acting. And sketching. And all-around creativity.
I can definitely feel this slump... It's not very fun, I need something to work on, like a project.

The reason I like to take so many pictures is because I like to document things. I like to be able to remember, look back and laugh, remember details, things that made me smile, how things were, what I loved, things I wanted to see, things I wanted others to see.

Pictures are my documentary of my life. I'm not very good at writing, but dang it, I'm going to be good at taking pictures.

Jackson is all about the cowboy look. Everywhere are cowboy boots and belts, buckles and hats, you want it, they got it.
The place I work is sort of like a gift shop, except really massive, and higher quality than your average one-stop gift shop. We have t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, candles that smell amazing, stuffed animals like moose and bears and wolves, souvenirs like pocket knives with names on them, and we have a gallery full of art.

Photography included. I love it in there, except when it's my assigned area to be, because that means I can't leave. It gets boring after the first two hours.

I've also realized that working in retail is my karma. After all the things I've done to mess up like, Wal Mart or whatever any other store, me working in retail is my personal karma. 
Because it bugs me sooo much to see something that is so obviously out of place, I have to wonder if someone did it on purpose, just to piss someone off.

I love my job though. It especially helps when you have something to keep you busy; if you're just wandering aimlessly, time is going to pass soooo slowly for you. I would know. I've done it.
Lucky for me I had a project that kept me busy most of the first part of my shift today, so the first half went by semi-quickly.

Self-improvement is my goal...
I have alot to do...

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