Today is my last day in Washington.
I'll miss the mountains, the Manette bridge, my family, my Dad, my Grandma, my Grandpa, my enormous bed, my newly found nature trail, the park just down the road from my house, sitting and making my hats next to my Grandma while she watches her quilting shows, playing Frisbee with Bradley, my Dad's laugh, making trips to my Aunt's house, eating ice cream drumsticks while watching Frasier, Disney movies whenever I want, waking up whenever I want, the perfect weather hot but not too hot, my favorite cousin Amy, the beach, the ferry terminals, the seagulls, my piano, my Grandma's laugh, going to thrift stores with my Dad and seeing his face when I show him all the yarn I want, asking my Grandma what kind of yarn I should use next, joking around with my Grandpa, making fun of my Dad, my room, the view from my room, my backyard, sitting in my backyard when I need to think, the creek that goes through my backyard, walking up the creek, making goofy movies with my brother, watching my Dad and Grandparents bicker, having time to myself.
All these things I'll miss, there's so much more, but I can't describe it.
I'm going to Idaho for a family reunion, and then to EFY for a week in Rexburg.
Then I'm going home to Montana. For a week or so. Then moving back to Idaho for my senior year.
It's going to be a long few months....

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