Is a nut.
He is always making a joke about something, whether it's about me, mocking me, mocking my Dad or some other poor family member, he's always doing something funny.
(Very rarely is he serious)
We used to fight and fight and fight all the time. I mean, all. The. Time. When we were younger, like 2 or 3 years ago, we couldn't get through the day without a major arguement, or fight, or some other unfortunate happening.
I used to not like him very much. I was pretty much set on declaring us enemies for the rest of our lives. Whenever someone would ask how Bradley was or what he was up to, my response usually was something like, "Being Bradley", or "Not really anything as far as I know." I had more rude responses but those were only for people who knew mine and Brad's history, who wouldn't get offended.

When we little, I made up a very special nickname for my big brother.
(drum roll)
Oooh, he got so mad at that name, so naturally just to spite him, I'd call him Brat-ley at least once a day. I don't think he ever came up with a nickname for me, but he found other ways to get back at me. I can't count how many times he's made me cry. Or made me mad, and cry.
Usually, for me, crying is a result of getting angry. He was very good at making me do both.
But as we've gotten older we seem to get along better. I don't know if this is because
One, he's grown up a little.
Two, I've grown up a little.
Maybe a mixture of both. I'm not really sure. I've always been a sensitive person, overly sensitive really. And I take alot of things either personally, or way too seriously. And Bradley's one of those people who joke just to get you angry. Just to get a rise.
He's gotten alot of free entertainment out of me.
This summer, we've definitely gotten closer, I think. Or at least to a point where we can stay in the same room without bickering. It's actually really, really, really nice.
I'm sure my Dad and Grandparents appreciate it.
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