My neighbor next door was having a yard sale, I LOVE yard sales! Nothing like rummaging through some stranger's junk. There was a whole box full of different colored yarn: yellow, purple, key lime green, dark green, creamy white, and peach!
I was in yarn heaven, I stayed there for about 10 minutes just picking the yarn I wanted. My Dad totally spoiled me today. Ridiculously.
My journey started by a simple trip to Costco to get gas and batteries. It turned into a frantic chicken like chase from Costco to Best Buy, back to Costco, back to Best Buy, back to Costco, and finally back to Best Buy. We saw a camera at Costco, I liked it and I thought that was the one. Ohh no, my dad said we had to go compare prices at Best Buy. So I said Ok, let's go. We get over there and I see pretty much the same camera for a worse price. But, I look over a few cameras, and I find one that is pretty much the same thing but WAY cheaper. So I get excited and tell my Dad that's the one. But he says we should go back to Costco and compare prices again. So ok. We get back over there, and I can't find the camera I want. It's not there, they don't have it.
"Let's go back to Best Buy."
"You're kidding right?"
No, he wasn't. We get back to Best Buy, and the sales lady knows us by name pretty much, she was so nice, she answered all my questions, my Dad's questions, she was awesome. So I finally decided on one camera, and just my luck, again, they're out. They don't have it. This is at Best Buy, mind you. Ugh.
So my Dad went through this huge long ordering process to get it shipped to my house. It'll be here in a few days. :) I'm so excited to get it, it's got all these different features, way more than my old one. I finally got home, and came into my room and said to my old camera, "You're being replaced." It seemed to shudder for a second... Today was a good day. I decided I don't like shopping as much as I thought I did... I lose patience way easily.

And I guess my boyfriend had a really bad day at work today... It makes me feel a little bad, while I was out shopping (or trying to), he was getting yelled and sworn at by customers... Makes me mad too, he's the nicest guy I've ever met, people are just so rude.
Hopefully his day will get better, I've been trying to make him feel better.
Happy almost 4th of July!
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