Friday, July 1, 2011

Life As I Know It

I've moved into my new home! I've been here for about a week.
 None of these pictures are from Jackson, but I'm working on that. I've been working nonstop since I got here, so no chances to take pictures yet.
I work at Jackson Trading Company, and so far I love it! The people are great, I made friends right away.

The guys I work with are great, I'm over at their place more than my own.
My work provides housing, and the guy's and girl's apartments are right next to eachother, so I'm a frequent visitor.
I'm not sure why, but I find guy-friends much, much more relaxing than girls. Actually I do know why. 
 Because with girls, there's always complications. There's always a need for conversation. There's never the real story, there's always something going on behind the scenes.
I'm sick of it.

Guys are simple. I'm ok with that.

These are just a few from Billings, but they're some of my favorite.
I didn't talk about Billings much, but I absolutely loved it. It was so fun. So great to finally be home.

One thing I love about Jackson, everything here is nature. Nature, nature, nature. I'm in total love with this town, it's so beautiful; mountains everywhere, rustic buildings, boardwalks.
I love it.
My work is about a five minute walk from my apartment, so I get fresh air every day, along with a walk.

Living on my own has been really nice for me, I really needed to get out of my house.
I'm pretty sure I never want to go back to living with my parents. Ever.
But I do miss my family, hopefully they're coming up for the 4th of July!

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