Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Belated 4th of July

Late 4th of July stuff.
I had the day off, and at first I thought I was lucky... But by the end of the night I was wishing I was working with everyone else. It was gorgeous outside, so I'm grateful for that though.

I got some pretty good pictures, I think.

Patriotism! Jackson goes all out, quite literally. There was a parade, music in the park, signs everywhere, a shoot-out, flags, fireworks, the whole works.
Of course there was a lot of partying, too.

Ok so there was this guy, I was walking with a friend of mine, Leandro, and we were just walking around Jackson at like 11 at night, and there was this guy juggling fire! It was so amazing, and even more amazing were the pictures I got. Leandro and I watched this guy for almost 10 minutes.

We also watched a party get busted, and a cop flagging down people trying to leave and making them pour out their drinks. It was quite entertaining.

And so Leandro and I kept walking. And walking. And walking. Until we found a tunnel. A very long tunnel.
A very... Uphill tunnel.
A very... Spooky tunnel.
A tunnel which had boards lining the sides of it.
A tunnel which had blood on some of the boards that once lined the side of said tunnel.
Spooky tunnel.
 I wonder if someone died in that tunnel.
Jackson at night, and from the side of a mountain.

My 4th of July didn't exactly turn out the way I wanted it too... Not at all.
But. I did count my blessings, and I found that I have very good friends who care, and are willing to deal with me in my foulest of moods.

Which is very nice, considering.

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