I noticed today that my T-cells are not doing a very good job. My nose is stuffy, and my neck aches. I'm thinking a very premature cold is coming along.
It is not welcome.
But I will just drink alot of my favorite peppermint tea and hope it passes soon. Maybe it's just because I haven't been sleeping as much as I should... I fell asleep in my Study Hall class and left with a red mark on my forehead.
Logan said it was funny.
Yesterday Scotty climbed up on top of my head, I didn't put him up there, he went up there himself and stayed for a good 15 minutes before climbing back down.
It was really cute!

I was getting so mad, but I decided that this was the perfect time to adjust my attitude.
So, I looked around me, and noticed these things:
It was sunny! And not cold at all.
I got to spend some time outside, and take that above picture.
I got to spend a little bit of time by myself.
How's that for looking on the bright side? Take that, pessimism!!
KKITTTTEENNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *>>_<<*