I owe everything I am to my Mom. And my family. They have made me, shaped me, carved me, molded me, and loved me.
Even when I'm a brat.

I love my crazy wacky absurdly loud family. And they're goofy too! They give me so many headaches, but I love them so much anyway. Katie, the dark haired one, is a spitfire! She's almost just like me when I was little. I say almost cuz there's no way I was that annoying ;)

I love just laying in the grass and looking up at the stars, clouds, sunsets, trees, anything.
I'm a dreamer.
It's true!!
I love the thought of love. I love the little kid love, the kind where they meet in the sandbox and are best friends for the rest of their lives; the love where eyes lock from across the room and are fixed and never waver for the rest of their seeing life.
Oh I love Love stories.

"Let your light so shine forth towards the children of men, that they may see thy good works and glorify thy Father which is heaven."
I will be an actress, and love my job.
I will be a painter, and find inspiration in everything I see.
I will be a photographer, and will be able to capture the most precious moments.
I will be a mother, and raise my children hopefully the same way my Mother raised me.
I will be the best person I can be.
I am forever grateful to them, and I love my cousin!!
And even though I might get discouraged sometimes, maybe because I compare myself to others too much, or I underestimate myself, I will still try.
That is a beautiful quality in anyone. Even if you think you suck at drawing (me), or singing, or whatever your passions are, don't ever give them up; because they are your passions.
You have to work at them maybe, but do what you love!!
This world would be so beautiful if people followed their real dreams.

That is a beautiful quality in anyone. Even if you think you suck at drawing (me), or singing, or whatever your passions are, don't ever give them up; because they are your passions.
You have to work at them maybe, but do what you love!!
This world would be so beautiful if people followed their real dreams.
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