Monday, November 29, 2010


This is just a quick post.

To anyone who reads this, I ask you to say a quick, hearfelt prayer for all those experiencing heartbreak. A person very dear to me is going through a very very hard time right now, and I know she could use all the support she can possibly get.
Thank you.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Destruction and Consumption Day!

Oh I love Thanksgiving!! The food is my favorite! (Isn't it everyone's?)

I couldn't help but take a few pictures of all the freaking delicious food I got to eat.

My mom went all out this year. So good! I'm so so so so full. Delicious stuff right there.

The only thing I would change about this year is I would have all my family together. My parents are divorced, so my family is kind of torn in half...

And every other Holiday I spend with my Dad. Last year I had Thanksgiving with him, so this year it was with Mom, and for Christmas I'll be with my Dad in Washington!

Today I got to talk to my family in Washington. I was on the phone for over an hour, and I didn't even talk to everyone. I got to talk to my cousin Amy!
She's so silly. "Om nom nom!"

The mac 'n cheese was my favorite thing all day!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Remember to thank all those who do the little things, big things, silly things, and important things for you!
Like, teachers, parents, siblings, the mailman, the lady at the check out, even someone who opens your door for you!
They all have names, they all have feelings, thoughts, ideas, dreams, disappointments, and they all have bad days!!
And maybe your simple little 'thank you' will make the difference between a good or bad day.
Think about it :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


I owe everything I am to my Mom. And my family. They have made me, shaped me, carved me, molded me, and loved me.
Even when I'm a brat.

I love my Mom! As all young girls should! In fact, it shouldn't change even when you get older. Even when you're 35 and have a family of your own, the love you have for your Mom should be the same as it was when you were 2 years old, and asked her opinion on everything.

I love my crazy wacky absurdly loud family. And they're goofy too! They give me so many headaches, but I love them so much anyway. Katie, the dark haired one, is a spitfire! She's almost just like me when I was little. I say almost cuz there's no way I was that annoying ;)

I love to daydream. I love thinking about what might happen, what could have happened, what should have, what I can make happen, and what will happen.
I love just laying in the grass and looking up at the stars, clouds, sunsets, trees, anything.
I'm a dreamer.

You didn't know this but... I'm also secretly a hopeless romantic.
It's true!!
I love the thought of love. I love the little kid love, the kind where they meet in the sandbox and are best friends for the rest of their lives; the love where eyes lock from across the room and are fixed and never waver for the rest of their seeing life.
Oh I love Love stories.

One day, I'll be everything I want to be. I'll reach up, reach out, and be everything I've ever wanted to be.

"Let your light so shine forth towards the children of men, that they may see thy good works and glorify thy Father which is heaven."

I will be an actress, and love my job.

I will be a painter, and find inspiration in everything I see.

I will be a photographer, and will be able to capture the most precious moments.

I will be a mother, and raise my children hopefully the same way my Mother raised me.

I will be the best person I can be.

I will remember all those who made me who I am.
I am forever grateful to them, and I love my cousin!!

And even though I might get discouraged sometimes, maybe because I compare myself to others too much, or I underestimate myself, I will still try.
That is a beautiful quality in anyone. Even if you think you suck at drawing (me), or singing, or whatever your passions are, don't ever give them up; because they are your passions.
You have to work at them maybe, but do what you love!!
This world would be so beautiful if people followed their real dreams.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Let Go!

The only thing keeping you back from doing what you want to do and be is your own insecurities.
Life is too short to be serious.
Live well, live loud, live happy, live proud.
Don't let what others think keep you back, who the heck cares about what's going on in their cynical skeptical minds? Your attitude is all that you should care about.
See the fun stuff in life!
Like today at breakfast, I laughed for about a minute because I noticed that Logan, Michelle, and I had all taken a drink and set our milks down at the exact same time.
They think I'm a dork and my reply is, "I know it and you love it."
Adopt this attitude! You'll have more fun :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Stuff I Love.

I love to paint. In case you haven't gotten that from previous posts!! This painting was a Halloween-y inspired work of mediocre art. Very amature. I like it though, especially the eye.
Have you seen that old Sci-Fi movie, Jeepers Creepers?
Yeah, that's where the inspiration for the eye came from. When I get better at painting, I'm going to try this again, and hopefully it'll turn out better.

I miss my crazy hair!! (That's me on the left.) Megan's on the right. My hair was bright yellow and red for a while, and I loved it!! Then I had it like, purpley but that faded pretty fast, then I put blue in it and that turned greenish which was gross so I dyed over it and now it's just plain brown. Ick.

I don't like it plain. One of these days I'm going to dye it funky again!!
I love my kitten, Scotty!!
I was trying to make him feel like Simba in this picture, you know where in The Lion King, Rafiki the baboon holds him up and that song's all like, "It's the Circle of Liiiiife!!"
I don't think he thought it was as funny as me...
He looks a bit disgruntled.
Among other things, lots of things, I love sunrises.
This one is my favorite.

That single ray of light.
I love quotes too!! One of my favorites that I came across was this:
Life... Is like an analogy.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Love Your Life.

I've noticed something. My last few posts have been a little Negative Nancy. I apologize for this!

Life is beautiful. Life is fast. If you don't appreciate it, it's got this way of knocking you down on your butt, and making you wish you had spent more time appreciating it.

I've learned this over and over.
Love your life!! Don't just live it and take it for granted.
Cuz it can disappear. In a blink. Of an eye.
Go on a walk; see the changing leaves on trees. Watch every sunset; feel the colors.
Say 'thank you' to your friends, you don't know how much they might need it.
Do the dishes; Mom will appreciate it more than you know.

Life is precious.

It's never as bad as it seems. The solution to most problems is time. Give it time. I should follow my own advice, too.

The one thing I have trouble with though is patience. That's so contradictory to what I just said, but it's something I struggle with. Patience may be a virtue, but not one that I posses. I'd be so much more at peace if I knew how things were going to work out in the end, but that's not how faith works, is it?

"The Lord's ways are not thy ways."

How true.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Icy Misery.

It's happened.

The first snow of the season is here...

Let the misery begin.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

T-cells and Parking Lot Optimism

I noticed today that my T-cells are not doing a very good job. My nose is stuffy, and my neck aches. I'm thinking a very premature cold is coming along.
It is not welcome.
But I will just drink alot of my favorite peppermint tea and hope it passes soon. Maybe it's just because I haven't been sleeping as much as I should... I fell asleep in my Study Hall class and left with a red mark on my forehead.
Logan said it was funny.
Yesterday Scotty climbed up on top of my head, I didn't put him up there, he went up there himself and stayed for a good 15 minutes before climbing back down.
It was really cute!

That blurred image in the background is my sister Maren. And the mess behind her is my house. Pleasant huh?

Today I stayed after school, and had to wait for my Mom to come get me... I hate not having a car. I'm pretty much the only senior at my school that doesn't have a car, and I hate asking for a ride. I called her twice, 20 minutes apart, and both times she said, "Oh yeah I'm coming."
I was getting so mad, but I decided that this was the perfect time to adjust my attitude.
So, I looked around me, and noticed these things:
It was sunny! And not cold at all.
I got to spend some time outside, and take that above picture.
I got to spend a little bit of time by myself.
How's that for looking on the bright side? Take that, pessimism!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ultimate Masterpiece

I like to think myself an upcoming artist. I'm not great at painting, or drawing, or making things. But I love to try anyways. I love how a paintbrush feels in my hand...

I love how every color is waiting to be spread across the page, made into a masterpiece...

I love how pastels feel in my fingers, and how much fun it is to smear and blend the colors!

And I love the colored pencils almost as much as painting. I love the sound of them clinking together, and how they smell.

(Is that weird?)

The thing I love the most though, is the final result of my efforts. How good my painting or drawing looks, to me. Again, I'm not great or anything, but I still like to try.

Something that totally awes me is this:
This is God's work. His Masterpeice. And I bet He didn't even have to try.
And so this is my theory: The my Father. Why can't He teach me? There's not a better teacher, anywhere. I can learn. It just takes patience. In all things.
Have an awesome week!