Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fake It Till You Make It

Sometimes... The best way to show you have undeniable confidence...
Is to fake it till you actually do.

This last week has been really hard.
After being with one person for so long... And then being thrown out with last week's news...
It gets pretty heart breaking.
But this will not be the end for me.

Some people get their heart broken once, and throw in the towel. They do whatever they can to keep other potential heartbreaks away. They throw away the chance to grow, to try again.
I really feel sorry for those people.

And then there's girls like me. Who try and try and try and try and put their hearts and souls on the line
Every. Time.
And every time, so far, we get our hearts handed back, with sometimes not even a "No thanks".

I will not look at this experience with regret. Because I know I put everything I had into trying to make it work. I gave all my efforts, I tried my hardest.

And that is not something, ever, to be ashamed of.

My soul is hurting, but it's not broken.
My heart is bruised but it's still beating.

I won't stop trying until I find the right one.
And then I'll try even harder.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you too!! I really do, I can't wait for graduation!!
