Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Once again it's been a while since I wrote anything... Just getting out of the habit I guess.
And I've been really busy with volleyball and track.

Pole vaulting is my new love. It's so much fun! Logan's been teaching me, or at least  trying to, and I'd like to think I've improved.
Volleyball is my other love. Sadly though I'm not very good at it.

And apparently some people have noticed...
I guess they see fit to encourage me with snitty remarks.
It doesn't exactly boost my confidence...

My name has been in a few people's mouths lately... Which is really weird for me because I'm not the kind of girl that gives reason for ridicule. I guess people haven't liked me before, but I never really noticed...
Until now. This situation is bothering me alot, there's no foundation for the dislike, it's an assumption coming from the mouth of a girl who knows nothing of the situation.

It's been hard for me to let this one go... I get my feelings hurt way too easily.
But there's always another day to set it right.
Always another reason to smile.
Always a new beautiful thing to appreciate.


It's a long road to getting over something that's hurt you... I've just barely started trying to get over it.
I was so busy wallowing that I wouldn't let myself focus on reasons why it shouldn't bother me.
For one thing, said person does not know me. And they do not know my situation, why I act the way I do.

I do not at all say I don't have any fault in this, because I do overreact sometimes. But, live and let go.

I've always had the talent of making friends with my enemies. I hope this time will be no different...
All I can say is, watch what you say and who you say it to.
People have the choice of holding a grudge or letting it go.
And sometimes they choose the less forgiving path. But eventually, that will be their pain to deal with,
Not Mine.

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