Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thoughts and Meanders

It's been a while since I posted anything... I've been in a state of intense meditation. Ha, of a sort.
Isn't it funny how, at one point in time, something can look so appealing, so beautiful you just have to have it...

And then when you've had a chance to experience it... Taste it, hold it, claim it as your own...
It's not really what you wanted.
I've had this experience many times...
Only one thing has never disappointed..
I'm a restless spirit. I know what I ultimately want, anything that hinders my progress is either a distraction or thorn in my side.
Is it just me?

I need to ground myself. Focus on what really matters. Will I be happy 5 years from now if I continue this way?

Remember who loves you the most, out of anyone in this entire world.
And so many thanks to Rachael Tree Talker, she sent me one of her homemade, hand crafted hats!
So darling, I'll definitely want some more of her stuff.
Check her out here !!!
And her blog here:

Her stuff is so adorable, she's one of the most talented people I know.
I hope everyone who bothers to read this has had a wonderful weekend. I'm going to be more diligent about posting, no worries.

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