I believe this.
People get angry, people leave, say things they don't mean, get hurt, feel left out, realize they're jealous, take out their anger on the person they love most, feel irritated with their best friends, hurt others unintentionally, and sometimes on purpose, but the difference between parting ways for life and forgiving and forgetting is one thing:
I hope I can always find it in me to forgive. To remember I'm not perfect either, and forget other's faults and see the best in them. Because that's what I would want other's to do for me.
I've been working on that lately too, if I find myself feeling irritated with someone, I take a step back and tell myself that what they are saying, or doing is who they are. And if I can't accept that, I don't deserve them as a friend.
Acceptance is the key to the door to love. And cynicism is the door that keeps us from getting there.
Love others as they are.
Forgive them for what they are not.
Learn to see yourself as others do, and if you don't like what you see: Change.
Be the person you want to see in the mirror. Make yourself that person.
I'm on my way to being the person I really want to be.
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