Monday, October 4, 2010

Quest For A Dress!

The time has come! Homecoming is next week and I need a dress!

I know these aren't Mormon-worthy but I think they're gorgeous! I've been looking online for about an hour now, and I haven't found anything. But I won't give up hope yet, I've still yet to go to Ross, the place to go when you're on a quest for a dress!

I haven't even gotten asked yet, but I am just getting prepared, and if I don't go to Homecoming, there's always the Winter Formal.... And Valentine's Day. (I hate Valentine's Day.)
I've never been to a school dance before! I've never had the chance to dress up and feel pretty. Hopefully, I will get asked soon. And I might even go stag if I don't.
Being a Senior is so much fun!!
I feel pretty, oh so pretty!!

1 comment:

  1. Going stag means flying solo! :) And Luckily I didn't have to go by meself:) and being a senior is awesome!
