Friday, October 29, 2010
Scared Silly.
Relief is 'Finished Gov Paper' Spelled Backwards
When school gets out I will probably start dancing! I'm so happy to finally get this week over with and better even! It's almost Halloween! Tonight Logan and I are going to
- Watch 30 Days Of Night
- Eat a TON of candy and get off the wall hyper
- Go to the straw maze
- Freak the heck out!
And Saturday will probably be the same thing. I want to hit all the haunted houses in town.
Happy Halloween everyone! Be spooky and scary, and get tons of candy!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Time to Heal.
(Just kidding.)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
What NOT To Do.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Slow Day

Today has definitely been a lazy day. I could have sworn I didn't wake up till like, noon, but I looked at my clock and it was only 9:30. I'm totally out of whack now.
Last night I was at a volleyball game for 7 hours!! Never again. And our girls lost district, so they're not going to state. It was so sad to see, all of them were crying.
But... I got to spend 7 straight hours with my friends, so it was kind of okay. At the end of the night though, I was so ready to go home and sleep. And I did.
All day I've been trying to keep warm, the weather's gotten so cold!! Idaho is downright chilly. But I found some tea in the kitchen, so I'm a happy camper.
And I've been trying to finish my Gov. paper.

Tonight's an away football game, their last of the season. I'm wearing Logan's jersey.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Mission Accomplished.
Perfect? Oh yes. I was a happy girl.
Who is that girl I see..? Staring straight...back at me; why does my reflection show someone I don't know?
Yeah that movie. I love that movie!! Eddie Murphy made that movie a hit.
Moving on....
So pretty!
So many pictures! I have more, but my computer is so slow and I do not have the patience!
But later, after all the picture taking, I went to Logan's house and we watched one of the scariest movies I've ever seen: Signs. Ahhh! I had my head covered the whole time! And my ears plugged.... He was laughing at me the whole time.
And afterwards we went to a CORN MAZE. After watching SIGNS.
Bad idea!!!! I was freaking out the whole time, and then Logan just had to throw an ear of corn right by me while I was walking, so I'd scream like a baby and fall down.
I'm glad he got a kick out of my wimpiness. But it was still an awesome, spectacular night.
I'm beginning to really like this kid. :)
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Homecoming Spills Part 2
is my date and my friend Michelle getting crowned as Royalty. I was so excited! I was taking a whole bunch of pictures. (Probably more later) Our team lost, and I felt so bad. Most of those guys are so nice, and while I was waiting for some friends to come, a few of the football players left the field with red eyes.
This one here, was at my date's house....

I think his smile is the cutest thing. We were talking about smiles, and he said that when he was little, he thought that those lines you get when you smile were dimples, so he assumed himself to be a dimply child. Ha, then he learned otherwise.
I get a dimple in my chin when I smile big enough, but it's not very noticeable...

Zeke. Queen Michelle. King Logan. And me.
We had a great day, we went bowling and then went to a restaurant called Big Jud's, and they have burgers there as big as a cowboy hat. No joke, we all had to split one and it still didn't get finished.
(Well...It was me who didn't completely finish, but that's beside the point!)
The dance itself was alot of fun. He was a fun date.
Afterwards, we sat on "our" thrones and bid everyone a good night while they left. He was joking about how it was his "kingly duty."
And then we found black ribbon, and turned ourselves into ninjas!! We were flying all over the dance floor with our ninja bands.
When it was finally time to go, we mixed some mischief, and we are now partners-in-crime. I like that title. That adventure ended with us almost getting caught in someone's yard, holding our breath, and sprinting to his car. Fun times!
And then, we went to his house and played Left 4 Dead. That game is so scary! Really! Zombie apocalypse! I hope sometime this week we'll play again. Maybe go to a corn maze too. He's so fun to be around!!
Well that's my Homecoming weekend. I enjoyed it so much! It's going to be such a drag going back to dressing normally, and not having a theme everyday....
Homecoming Spills

Thursday, October 14, 2010
More on that later!
But dinner time is especially fun.
My sister, Katie and me are "fighting" over that there corn cob.
That was a fun day at dinner.
And of course, my new baby, Scotty is adjusting too.
Early early early this morning, I woke up to him nibbling on my fingers! Needless to say, Scotty spent the rest of the morning in his own bed.

Scotty lives up in my room so now I have lots of little sisters coming up for a visit.
I've had to make the rule that they have to ask me if they can play with him, because sometimes I'll go up there and he's gone! Scares the crap out of me.
Right now he's cuddled up on my lap, playing with my fingers.
Oh how I love this kitty!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Mewwest Love

Mine, mine, mine!
I picked him because he's the smallest and he chose me first. He crawled up my arm and fell asleep on my shoulder. How could I resist that?
I'll tell you how, I couldn't.

I couldn't take him home right away, he still needs his mama and brothers and sisters... Plus I couldn't bear to take him away from his family when he looked so small. Imagine how you'd feel! But, the kittens need to find a new home. And Scott's found one.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Sneaky Me!!

Go me :)
Monday, October 4, 2010
Quest For A Dress!
The time has come! Homecoming is next week and I need a dress!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
And I Go Back...
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Take Your Medicine!
Here in Idaho we get the best sunsets. This one I took as some farmers were burning their fields, and the result was a smoky look. I love it.
I think I'll go outside and take some pictures... I've been inside all day.
Oh, and today is my baby brother, Brian's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!