With all manners of floral.
Shameful, I know.
But moving on to more meaningful topics.
School? I don't know. I got called down to the office today! Apparently I offended a teacher for expressing my obnoxious opinion. I can't help it, I'm outspoken.
Speaking of which, my mouth has definitely gotten me into trouble this week. I chewed some boy out for talking about nasty things completely unrelated to mathematics yesterday. I'm not sorry, it was completely disgusting.
And then I upset a junior because being goofy in the hall is simply intolerable.
She tells me to grow up? Please.
BUT, I have awesome things to tell!!
Number one: I am maybe, possibly, hopefully! Going to Lagoon this weekend! With my friend Piper! She offered to take me with her family, and I am positively stoked! Plus, the haunted stuff came out just this week, and I Looooove haunted scary stuff.
Number two: I have made the decision I am going to my Senior Prom in a duct tape dress. That's right. A Duct. Tape. Dress. I am freaking stoked. I just need to find a partner who will put up with me and my crazy antics.
Number three: My brain has worked things out. Life is not a race!
duct tape!! all the way baby!! i love it!! and all the other things in here too :)