Thursday, September 30, 2010
Jersey Wearing.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Jack O' Lanterns, Full Moons, Vampires, Oh My!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
It All Started With A Pair Of Missing Spandex
I'm running around my house with 5 minutes to spare till I have to be at an early morning class, not leave, but be AT the class in 5, running around trying to find my pair of Spandex.
This may seem funny, but it was very very frustrating. I decided to wear a dress today, but I had to wear a shirt underneath, and the Spandex are used to keep the shirt from rising up. But I couldn't find them.
I get to school, almost ten minutes late, I don't know why I was so fussed about it, my first class, Show Choir's a joke.
The majority of the day passed as acceptable. Except I didn't get any lunch, the lines are way too long. So I was hungry too.
For my study hall, I went to the Seminary building to talk to the teacher about doing an at-home study. He yeah sure no problem, and gave me a notebook, and scripture guide. No problems there.
My theater class... Apparently we're not allowed to laugh anymore while playing Improv games.
My teacher shushes us whenever someone laughs, or "breaks character."
Hello! It's IMPROV!! And I guess I'm now the villain of the class, he directs all his criticism at me. Great.
School gets out. I get to my locker, pull out everything I need and book it to the bus pick-up, because I'm a lame senior and don't have a car. I walk out of the school, and the bus is already pulling away.
School has been out for 5 freaking minutes. So I miss the bus. I try to call my mom, she doesn't answer. Try to call my stepdad, no answer. I even do the absurd thing and call my house phone. No answer. Awesome. I finally go to the office, and I won't lie, I'm on the verge of tears.
A nice lady in the office tells her daughter, Morgan, to give me a ride home. I get home and after telling my mother all my woes of the day I get on the comp and see this unwanted beauty on my screen:
Yeah, No idea where it came from, but there's another one just like it on the other side of my screen, and it's growing.
This is a brand new laptop! I'm so frustrated. I'm sorry if this whole post just seems like a complain and whine-fest but that's all I feel like doing right now. At least I didn't trip and fall and break an ankle at school today. Bright side, right?
Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Exciting Things To Tell!
With all manners of floral.
Shameful, I know.
But moving on to more meaningful topics.
School? I don't know. I got called down to the office today! Apparently I offended a teacher for expressing my obnoxious opinion. I can't help it, I'm outspoken.
Speaking of which, my mouth has definitely gotten me into trouble this week. I chewed some boy out for talking about nasty things completely unrelated to mathematics yesterday. I'm not sorry, it was completely disgusting.
And then I upset a junior because being goofy in the hall is simply intolerable.
She tells me to grow up? Please.
BUT, I have awesome things to tell!!
Number one: I am maybe, possibly, hopefully! Going to Lagoon this weekend! With my friend Piper! She offered to take me with her family, and I am positively stoked! Plus, the haunted stuff came out just this week, and I Looooove haunted scary stuff.
Number two: I have made the decision I am going to my Senior Prom in a duct tape dress. That's right. A Duct. Tape. Dress. I am freaking stoked. I just need to find a partner who will put up with me and my crazy antics.
Number three: My brain has worked things out. Life is not a race!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Everybody Needs...
Theater is my something to
hold on to.
Theater is something I'm good
at. It's something that never fails
me, no matter how often people
in life do.
It's addicting, but it won't hurt you.
It's amazing and I can love it, but
it won't ever love me back....
Unless I count the audience.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Ancient Finds!

I'm thinking I might like it here. I'm definitely a city girl but...
I like it here.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Second Day.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
How To Save A Life
Monday, September 6, 2010
Senior Year!!!!!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010
See Stars!
This is BINI.

She looks quite amazing doesn't she? She and I goof off together, laugh together, we do everything together. Well, we did. Until I moved.
I really do miss her. We made up our own names for eachother, we're
"See Stars"
We would go everywhere together, and I wouldn't make a major decision without asking her advice, or having her go with me.
To the store, to the park, anywhere!
We've been bears together on Halloween and we've even been zombies together!
I think we make an awesome pair.
Only she can make me laugh just by laughing. We have so many inside jokes, and a secret handshake that's also an inside joke, and I tell her everything. From who I like to what I'm eating for dinner, she knows almost everything about me.